Introductory Workshop in Sexocorporel in South Africa

You will be confident in raising sexual issues with your clients. You will have learned a holistic approach to understand their sexual functioning and you will therefore be able to more efficiently help your clients.

The interactive seminar introduces the concept of Sexocorporel.
In this two-day workshop, we will work with four case studies with typical sexual problems from practice. This will enable us to include the previous knowledge of the participants and to expand it with the knowledge of the Sexocorporel Approach. This will enable a case understanding based on a model of sexual health and provide clues for targeted interventions. In addition to the cognitive, emotional and relationship components, particular attention will be paid to physical aspects.

Next Workshop in Cape Town:

Date & Time:

23 & 24 November 2019


Stoep Startup Coworking Space
3 Tiverton Rd3 Tiverton Rd,
Plumstead, Cape Town, 7801,
South Africa


2500 Rand
(All Meals Included)

Target Audience:

Medical Doctors, Therapists & Counsellors.
CPD’s applied for

A limited number of places to encourage interaction. Registrations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis.

Read more about the course and the facilitators.